Saturday, August 24, 2013

5 Tips to Get All the Vitamins and Minerals You Need

Your body needs a lot of different vitamins and minerals every single day to stay healthy. To know exactly what to eat and how often to eat it to cover your daily needs can be hard. We both need water soluble and fat soluble vitamins to function and survive, and in addition to that we need minerals. Seeing an educated nutritional advisor or dietitian can be very expensive, and is often not needed if you are a normal, healthy being. Below are five tips that will get you on your way to good health.
1. Eat foods containing fat soluble vitamins at least two - three times a week
Fat soluble vitamins stays stored in the body for quite some time, so you don't need to consume them every single day. The best way to cover your needs is to eat fatty fish two to three times a week. 200 grams (7 oz) of salmon will give you twice the recommended amount of for example vitamin D. If you live in a place with a lot of sun (UV index above 3), you can also get your recommended amount of vitamin D through sun exposure to the skin. 20 minutes a day on your hands and face will give you more than enough to cover your daily needs.
2. Eat foods containing water soluble vitamins every single day
Water soluble vitamins will be flushed out of your body every day, so you need to consume foods that contain them on a daily basis. Eat foods like bell peppers, citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, lettuce and apples daily. A serving should be about 100 grams (3.5 oz), and you should eat three servings each day consisting of different kinds of greens and fruit. A green smoothie is a viable, but not necessary, way to achieve this.
3. Get enough fiber
Eating three servings of greens and fruits each day will provide you with a lot of fiber, but chances are you still don't get enough. Don't be afraid of whole grain pasta and bread to get enough fiber in your diet.
4. Eat a variety of foods to get enough minerals
You should eat at least three different servings of low fat diary each day (cheese, a glass of milk etc.) to make sure you get enough calcium. You should also eat whole grain pasta and bread to get other minerals like magnesium, potassium, selenium and inulin. It's both healthy and smart to switch things up a bit. You don't need to eat the same things every day, which can get boring. Switching things up will also help ensure that you get a more complete array of vitamins and minerals through your diet.
5. Stay away from juices
Juices that you buy in the store are often marketed as healthy, which is false. Juices are a large source of sugar, and the makers also strip away all the fiber when they make them. You will not get a lot healthier drinking juices, so just stick with whole fruits. That way you get fiber, reduced sugar intake and vitamins and minerals.
Want to make sure that you get everything you need through your diet?
There is currently a Fiverr gig that will give you a detailed analysis of your diet based on your needs. The analysis is a $100+ value, but is currently available for just $5. The best part? The person analyzing and recommending is working on a Bachelor's Degree in Sport Sciences with specialization in the field of Physical Activity and Health, and has education and experience in the field of nutrition!

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